Thursday, May 14, 2009

Let's Rock the Guac

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Posting, Part 2:

At this rate, I'll be done posting about my Cinco de Mayo meal by next May 5th! So, as I mentioned in a previous post, I made beef enchiladas with homemade sauce for my husband on Cinco de Mayo. For myself, I made chicken enchiladas (in my post, Cinco de Mayo, Part 3), but the highlight of the enchiladas was my homemade guacamole. I had never made guacamole before, so I printed several different recipes, read each, and then created my own. I loved it and have already made it again to eat at lunch this week. I love that something so delicious is also so healthful -- avocadoes, like pomegranates, mangoes, and cranberries, are considered a super-fruit.

Unfortunately, I don't have much of a guacamole recipe. It's more of a series of guidelines that you can adapt to suit your own needs. I would argue that this is how most recipes should be written so that we can all be creative with our food and so that it will suit our tastes. Anyway, here's how it went down.

I extracted the green stuff from 3 avocadoes (neat trick alert: after sticking a knife into the pod-thing in the middle of the green stuff, push down on it from both sides of the knife to remove it) and first tried to mash it with a fork. Ummmm...yeah. Cut to me, three minutes later dumping the mess into the food processor and hitting pulse. (I may have also yelled, "Take that, 'cado!" but we don't need to talk about that.) =] Anyway, after I had achieved *mostly* smooth avocado, I poured in some lemon juice, and about a quarter of a jar of salsa (I prefer Pace Chunky Mild, but to each his own). I mixed that it together and added a bit of salt and a lot of ground black pepper. Side note: I work with a guy who thinks pepper should be put in everything, including "the water that comes out of the tap." He's a little odd, but nice. =] Anyway, after all that was mixed together I dumped it all into a bowl and stirred in anoth quarter cup of the salsa (I love chunky stuff!) and then some finely chopped red pepper. Delish!!


  1. Salsa and guacamole mixed? Interesting combo.....I had never thought of that. Does it take away from the creamy avocado? Will you make this meal for me when I come to visit?

  2. I find the combo very appealing -- it also cuts down on chopping and adding all those ingredients (tomato, etc.). I guess you could call this a "down and dirty" guacamole, easy and fast. =] And I will happily cook anything you like when you come visit.
