If you are a fan of The Unit or 24, you're going to love this book! This is an international-style thriller that reminds me of books I've read by Tom Clancy and Brad Thor. The topics are pertinent, current, and deeply frightening. The story is actually pretty complex and involves three separate story lines:
- A woman who lost her family in a personal and violent attack in Baghdad, Iraq and will do anything to get revenge.
- A member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who believes he may have lost his edge following a terrible personal tragedy. He stumbles into the investigation of the deaths of a family in a Canadian park and uses the investigation to pull himself back from the brink.
- A woman whose husband abducts their son from his school and disappears without a trace
These three story lines merge in a terrifying attempt to assassinate the Pope on U.S. soil.
I once heard someone say that the test of a good book is whether or not you're still reading it at 2a.m. on a school night. This book passes that test. I looked up with about 20 pages left and noticed that it was about 1:45. I shrugged; at that point, what's another 15-20 minutes? So even though I needed an extra large cup of coffee the next day, I will go on record as saying the book was worth it.
On a scale of 1-5, I'd give this a 5.
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