Saturday, June 27, 2009

Strawberry Fields

I had to post and brag about the wonderful produce we've been enjoying lately. So far this summer I've had gorgeous, juicy peaches and nectarines, as well as kiwis and magoes. But perhaps my all-time favorite fruit, and most recent purchase were strawberries.

These particular berries were Driscoll Organic berries. As we all know, organic produce is often more expensive than other produce. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the non-organic berries were almost a dollar more expensive than these little gems. Score one for me!

I also must confess that I did absolutely nothing to these berries except to wash them, blot them dry gently, and eat them! Delicious!

1 comment:

  1. I just got Driscoll organic berries at the store yesterday. They are SO good. I wish you could walk to the farmers market with me on Saturday morning to get a fresh carton of strawberries.

    I've had great peaches too. Mom gave me some from Costco and I honestly have to put a towel under my chin just to eat them.
